First Posted: 3/2/2013

It’s been a rough February temperature-wise. This weekend, the first one in March, hasn’t been much better, but hold on, relief is on the way.

How do we know?

No, not from the long-range weather forecast, but from what’s on the pages of today’s Dispatch.

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Committees are meeting to plan bazaars and picnics. The West Pittston Cherry Blossom Festival is calling for Little Miss and West Pittston Idol contestants.

Stores are stocking grills and patio furniture.

Bears are waking up.

Fawns are being born.

Ducks and geese are finding mates.

The Fish Commission is stocking trout.

Little Leagues and softball leagues are holding signups.

The Greater Pittston American Legion already has enough players to field four teams.

Ah, baseball.

Spring must be in the air, even if that air is darned cold.

According to the Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA) spring starts tomorrow.

That’s right, Monday, March 4, is the first official day of practice for high school baseball, softball, boys tennis and boys and girls track and field.

Guess the PIAA officials didn’t see their shadow either.

Looks like the teams might have to jockey for gym time for a few days, but the long range forecast says highs in the 40s by the end of this week and into the 50s by next.

The Scranton/Wilkes-Barre Railriders porcupine mascot is out and about at area schools and events and we hear, ticket sales are brisk for the Railraider season.

So it won’t be long before we’ll be hearing the crack, or ping, of the bat and the thwack of the racquets as we go about our business.

Cannot come soon enough to suit us.

By the way, while we are pining for the arrival of spring weather, the Railriders porcupine is pining for a name. So is his mascot sidekick, a 9-ft. tall superhero.

The name-the-mascot contest, which ends March 15, is being run through area schools. So, kids, ask your teacher how you can submit a name.