Becoming a President

You must be a bonafide United States-born resident,

And hopefully, run our country good and set a new precedent.

It takes a long process to become one,

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There are speeches, gatherings, elections, always on the run.

Then anxiety plays itself out,

With hopes that you were elected, and then time to shout.

The job of president isn’t for everyone,

But your salary and retirement is a great future income.

Just think, you only have to serve four years,

And get to live in a big house, free food, and a few beers.

We fervently wish to elect the best of the best,

Someone who doesn’t golf while our GIs are put to the test.

Hopefully, the next candidate will exceed our wildest dreams,

Our country needs one badly, so we don’t break at the seams.

God Bless America and its future president we desperately need,

No more corporate greed and America’s growth starting from seed.

There are many challenges that he or she might face,

But I say, “Give it your all,” and it will be quite a race.

Ronald Voveris
