“I grew up in Hawaii and remember the tidal wave warnings.”
Ann Marie Webb
“Summers sitting on the porch with my whole family.”
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Kathy Healey
“The Pittston Township train wreck in the early ’70s right by my house. I was around 5 years old.”
Fred Orkwis
“I remember being petrified of a clown at my birthday party when I was 3 or 4 years old.”
Judy Monko
“My little brother’s baptism when I was about 3 years old.”
Rev. Joseph Verespy
“My grandfather used to give us M&M’s in a cough medicine cup.”
Pat Toole
Photos and answers compiled by Bill Tarutis
“I grew up in Hawaii and remember the tidal wave warnings.” Ann Marie Webb Pittston
“Summers sitting on the porch with my whole family.” Kathy Healey Pittston
“The Pittston Township train wreck in the early ’70s right by my house. I was around 5 years old.” Fred Orkwis Pittston
“I remember being petrified of a clown at my birthday party when I was 3 or 4 years old.” Judy Monko Exeter
“My little brother’s baptism when I was about 3 years old.” Rev. Joseph Verespy Wilkes-Barre
“My grandfather used to give us M&M’s in a cough medicine cup.” Pat Toole Pittston