Registration for The Dallas School District is now being accepted and early registration is encouraged. Elementary, (kindergarten-fifth grades) are accepted at the district administration building. Middle school (six-eighth grades) and high school, (grades nine-twelve) is accepted at their respective buildings. Documents and requirements are listed at Offices are open 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., Monday through Friday. Call 570-675-5201 prior to visiting. The Dallas School District administrative team, from left, first row, are: Jeffery Shaffer, director of secondary curriculum/middle school principal; Grant Palfey, business manager; Thomas Traver, director of elementary curriculum/Dallas Elementary School principal; Dr. Thomas Duffy, Superintendent of Schools; Dawn Keifer, director of special education; Bill Gartrell, director of technology; and Greg Riley, assistant high school principal. Second row: Jason Rushmer, high school principal; Mr. Brian Bradshaw, Wycallis Elementary School principal, and Dan Nestorick, student information management systems administrator.