PITTSTON —The Lithuanian Citizens Social and Benefit Club recently held a ceremonial blessing of its newly remodeled lower level hall. The blessing was performed by Msgr. John Bendik.
Anyone interested in renting the hall can contact club manager Denise Evans at 570-654-9226.
Lithuanian Citizens Social and Benefit Club President David Graboski, left, poses for a photo with Msgr. John Bendik during a recent dedication for the club’s remodeled lower level hall.
Directors, officers and member of the Lithuanian Citizens Social and Benefit Club attend the recent celebration the club’s remodeled lower level hall. From left, first row, are Mr. and Mrs. John Kovaleski, Sharon Maxwell, Msgr. John Bendik, Karen Hiller, Denise Evans, Anne Marie Matrunich, Mary Grace Morgan. Second row, Glenn Hosko, Shawn Irvin, Dave Graboski, Jeff Jacobs, Scott Skesavage, Bob Matrunich. Absent from photo: John Hiller.