READING — The Rev. Leonard Buxton, of Pittston, has earned Albright College’s Mary Fry Good ’49 Service to Alma Mater Award for outstanding service to the college.
Early on, as a member of Albright College’s Class of 1952, Buxton utilized his bachelor and graduate degrees in psychology to teach psychology at Claflin University and Benedict College. Earning both bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Sacred Theology from the Boston University School of Theology, he retired as director of church relations for the Methodist Hospital of Brooklyn, N.J., having served as a minister at 17 churches throughout his career.
Buxton is part of a three-generation Albright College family: his mother, Ella Buxton, was a member of the Class of 1918; his brother, Robert Buxton, was a member of the Class of 1947; and his son, the Rev. Jon Buxton, is a member of the Class of 1984.
Very active on campus as an Albright student, Buxton eventually became his own recruiting committee, bringing countless loads of potential students to Albright for tours and visits. He helped to organize reunions in Reading and New York City as an alumnus.
Buxton released the first volume of his two part, 90-year autobiography, “This Is My Story, This Is My Song,” in 2019, and completed the second volume, “Sing Along With Me,” in 2021.