Members of the WA Class of 1982 are planning their 40th reunion to be held on Saturday, July 2, on the grounds of the Oblates of St. Joseph Seminary, Route 315, Laflin.

The festivities will kick off with a special Mass for their deceased members at 4 p.m. in St. Joseph’s Chapel by classmate, Father Paul McDonnell, OSJ.

Following Mass, an outdoor cocktail hour and dinner reception will begin starting at 5 p.m. Dinner will be catered by Arcaro & Genell Restaurant, Old Forge. Musical entertainment will be provided from Flaxy Morgan from 7 to 11 p.m. It promises to be an exciting time as we reunite with classmates, friends and former teachers.

The Class of ’82 also invites members from the Wyoming Area Classes of 1980 and 1981 to join them since their celebrations were limited due to the pandemic. Cost is $50 per person. To make your reservation or for more information, contact Class President Patrice Yurek at 570-881-0135, or send your payment directly to her at 120 Butler St., Wyoming, PA 18644.

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