Athracite mining, Hazleton.
                                 Submitted photo

Athracite mining, Hazleton.

Submitted photo

<p>Clear Spring Breaker, West Pittston.</p>
                                 <p>Submitted photo</p>

Clear Spring Breaker, West Pittston.

Submitted photo

WEST PITTSTON — The West Pittston Historical Society (WPHS), in recognition of Anthracite Heritage Month, is presenting “Local Anthracite Mining in the 21st Century.” Guest speaker is mining engineer Justin Emershaw from Atlantic Carbon Group.

The program will be held at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 28, at the West Pittston Library, Exeter Ave. The program is free and open to the public.

“The West Pittston Historical Society strives to provide informative and interesting programming related to our local history,” Mary Portelli, WPHS president, said. “This presentation offers a view into how the mining industry has developed from the days when our ancestors were miners.”

Many area residents believe with the tragedy of the Knox Mine Disaster in 1959, anthracite coal mining was shut down in Northeast Pennsylvania forever, but anthracite mining continues in our area today.

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Emershaw will speak on modern-day anthracite mining and how it has evolved from the old historic images with which we are familiar.

Registration for the program is recommended but not necessary. To register, visit