WILKES-BARRE — Wilkes University interim Provost Terese Wignot announced the dean’s list for the fall 2019 semester. To be named to the dean’s list, students must obtain a minimum 3.5 grade point average and carry at least 12 credits. The following Greater Pittston students from your area were named to the dean’s list:

Mauri Bohan, of Pittston; Matthew Booth, of Exeter; Anna Rose Breznay, of Pittston; Justine Buczynski, of Exeter; Jacob Buda, of Wyoming; Guinevere Caprari, of Dupont; Joseph Carey, of Pittston; Emily Cherkauskas, of Pittston; Julienne Chropowicki, of Duryea; Matthew Costello, of Pittston; Mariah Curtis, of Dupont.

Also, Jason DeBoard, of Avoca; James DeGerolamo, of Avoca; Gianna DeSanto, of Duryea; Maria DiBuo, of Exeter; Parker Dorsey, of Pittston; Hayley Farrell, of Pittston; Taryn Fasciana, of West Pittston; Genevieve Frederick, of Pittston; Gabrielle Galonis, of Pittston; Kierstin Grillo, of Exeter.

Also, Preston Harvey, of Exeter; Thomas Kivak, of Dupont; Lindsey Klinges, of Harding; Dylan Kostak, of West Pittston; Aleah Kranson, of Exeter; Kyle Miscavage, of Duryea; Neil Murphy, of Dupont; Rachel Nardozzi, of Exeter; William Perles, of Pittston; Kylie Pintha, of Pittston; Rachel Pisarcik, of West Wyoming.

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Also, Bridget Regan, of Pittston; Briauna Robinson, of Exeter; Hannah Simerson, of Pittston; Morgan Tarnalicki, of Wyoming; Olivia Williams, of West Wyoming; Zoe Winnestaffer, of Wyoming; Breanna Yashkus, of Pittston Township.
