Late state representative was responsible for Black Lung law
PITTSTON – The City of Pittston recognized and honored a man who, not only delivered for his constituents of the Pennsylvania 118 District, but also ended up helping coal miners all over the United States when his PA House Bill No. 116, ACT 335 was passed in 1965 financially helping those with Black Lung.
Former PA House of Representatives member, the late James A. Musto, was immortalized on Sunday, May 2, when the city dedicated the former “pocket park” as the Hon. James A. Musto, Greater Pittston Miner and Garment Worker Memorial Park.
Rep. Musto passionately fought for the coal miners and garment workers in his district, especially those afflicted with silicosis anthraco-silicosis asbestosis, better known as Black Lung Disease.
The movement to dedicate the park in Pittston in Musto’s name was spearheaded by his grandson, Raphael A. Musto. Raphael then took his cause to Pittston Mayor Michael Lombardo where he and council received the idea with open arms.
“I feel compelled tell you that we are extremely humbled and certainly touched and appreciative to allow our family to participate in this incredible revitalization that Mayor Lombardo and his team is doing,” Raphael said. “It’s a park for him (Rep. Musto) and his people. It’s not just about him; my grandfather didn’t raise us that way.”
“What’s impressive to me is, we are including the garment worker and the miner which were the two prevalent industries during his era so if his name was the only one up there, he would come down and slap us. I’m hoping he’s smiling up above,” Raphael added.
The dedication of the park took place at 2 p.m. when Rep. Musto’s nephew, radio personality “Banana” Joe Montione served as master of ceremonies. Rep. Musto heavily influenced Montione, who got his start locally at WILK-AM radio. Montione eventually became one of the top radio personalities in the nation.
Key speakers at the dedication were Mayor Lombardo, PA Rep. Michael Carroll, D-Avoca, and Rep. Musto’s son, former Luzerne County Judge Joseph J. Musto. The event began with a special prayer by Father Paul McDonnell.
“This is a great opportunity to celebrate the life and impact of a great man and a great leader,” Mayor Lombardo said. “He was somebody that went out and did what he was supposed to do and fought hard for the people of the area he came from. The Musto legacy of service is an important legacy. It’s about affective service in getting things done.”
Carroll, who now sits in the seat formerly occupied by Rep. Musto, was honored to participate in the program.
“I really don’t know why Jim Musto went to Harrisburg in 1949, but I can take a guess,” Rep. Carroll said. “He wanted to make a difference for the people of his community and boy what a difference he made.”
Carroll spoke about Rep. Musto’s great accomplishment of House Bill 116 from introduction of the bill to getting it through the House and Senate and then to the governor’s desk to be signed.
The final and most emotional speaker of the afternoon was Rep. Musto’s son, Judge Joseph J. Musto.
Judge Musto thanked his nephew Raphael for spearheading the project, Father Paul for his spiritual inspiration and Carroll in carrying on the torch as state representative.
“My father was more than a self-made man,” Judge Musto said. “He had to leave the third grade so he could work in the mines as a slate picker to help support his family. He never had any education behind that.”
Judge Musto noted his dad without an advanced education got the courage to speak on the floor of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives was a big accomplishment in speaking up for his constituents.
“This is a tremendous tribute to my father and I have to say well-deserved, “Judge Musto said. “I don’t think he would have appreciated this because he didn’t like that kind of attention, but it’s a fitting tribute that he should have this.”
Judge Musto closed by thanking his nephew Raphael and the city fathers for providing the park for the dedication.
A bronze bust of Rep. Musto, along with two plaques, were placed in the park. The larger of the two plaques quotes the exact words Musto used on the House floor when introducing PA House Bill No. 116, ACT 335.